Accepted Methods of Payment

  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Interac
  • Interac e-transfers
    Send to; Question & Answer must be set to: In what year was the Town established? 1963 (or 001963). Put your utility account number and address in the memo field. Failure to follow these steps will result in your e-transfer being rejected!
  • Pre-authorized debit application 
  • Online Banking Bill Payment
    Search our payee name Town of Ste. Anne - Utilities, and use your Utility Account Number for the account number. (Select Financial Institutions Only) 
  • Credit card  Click here to pay

After Hours Deposit Box
A deposit box is available outside the main entrance of the Town Office for receiving payments during non-business hours.


Utility bills are due by the last business day of the following month they are issued. Overdue accounts may be transferred to the property tax account. 


Late Payment Penalties
Unpaid utility charges are subject to penalty of 1.25% if not paid in full by the end of the month the bill was due.