Information on Property Taxes

Payment Options


Property taxes are calculated by applying municipal and education mill rates against the portioned assessment of your property.

Your annual tax statement is composed of two sections: municipal and education taxes. For more information on your education taxes, please contact the Seine River School Division at 204-878-4713. The Education Tax Levy is set by the Seine River School Division. The Town of Ste. Anne is required by law to include these levies on the annual property tax bills, and has no control over the school tax portion of your tax bill.

Municipal Taxes

Municipal taxes are funds required to cover the cost of operating the Town and its provided services, and are identified in the annual financial plan (budget). Municipal taxes are set annually, by by-law, following a public hearing. Copies of the approved financial plan are available at the Town of Ste. Anne Office or on our website here.

Municipal levies can include local improvement and general levies. Other municipal charges may also include garbage collection, and sewer usage fee (billed as a quarterly utility bill).

Local Improvement Levy

This levy is applied to properties to pay for the cost of an improvement that was constructed for the benefit of these specific properties. Examples include re-paving a road, or upgrades to a sewer line on a specific street or area.

General Municipal Levy

This levy is applied to all taxable property in the Town for the purpose of providing funds for general operating costs including council and administration.

Special Services Levy

This levy is applied to all properties in the Town for the purpose of providing funds for services, including Fire Protection, Police Services, Roads & Sidewalks Maintenance, Streetlighting, Drainage, Dust Control, Snow Removal Services, Recreational Support Services, By-Law Enforcement Services and Emergency Measures.

Property Tax Bills

Annual property tax statements are printed by the Province of Manitoba, and are typically mailed out in June. the amount of taxes indicated on your statement represents the amount due for the entire fiscal year (January 1st to December 31st). 

Property Taxes are due and payable on or before the last business day of July. Any payments received by the Town after 4:30 pm on the date indicated on your property tax statement are subject to penalties. All taxes remaining unpaid subsequent to said date shall be subject to penalties charged at a rate of 1.25% per month commencing the 1st of August, and on the 1st of each month thereafter, until full payment is received.

*Please note that as of January 2025 receipts will no longer be mailed out.  If you require a receipt, please contact the Town office to sign up for e-receipts. 

Change in Ownership

If a changed in ownership has occurred, please return the property tax bill to our office, or forward to the new owners if possible. Failure to receive a bill does not excuse an owner from the responsibility for payment of taxes or relieve the owner from the liability for any late fee penalties. Our office receives Land Title ownership changes directly from Land Titles and the Manitoba Assessment Office, however, this can take up to 1 or 2 months before we receive the new ownership. All owners must contact our office for new or final utility billing.

Outstanding Balances

If a portion of your previous year's taxes remain outstanding, this amount is listed in the arrears/credits box on your tax statement. This amount is only calculated up to the date the information was processed for printing of the tax statements. Please verify with our office the current balance outstanding if you have arrears.

Education Property Tax Credits and Rebates 2024

The Province of Manitoba has issued a rebate to property owners on there property tax bill, which was formally a cheque. It equal to 50% of the school division special levy, as reflected on your 2024 municipal property tax notice. For more information, please visit the Province of Manitoba's website

As a property owner, you could be eligible to save up to $350 for the 2024 property tax year. This credit helps cover school taxes which is directly deducted on your property tax bill or through your income tax return. Application forms for the Education Property Tax Credit (EPTC) can be found here.

TIPPS Program

The Town of Ste. Anne offers the TIPPS program. The Tax Instalment Payment Plan Services, or TIPPS, allows property owners to make twelve monthly payments for taxes rather than a single annual payment in July. Upon application, the Town will arrange for payments to be withdrawn from the property owner's bank account. ** This program does not pay towards current outstanding balances. This is a pay in advance program.

To be eligible to enroll in the plan, one must be the registered owner of a property in the Town of Ste. Anne, the tax account must have no outstanding balance, and must have banking privileges at a Financial Institution (Bank or Credit Union). Applications will be accepted for enrollment in the 2024-2025 TIPPS Program up to November 14th, 2024 (Please note that 2024 property taxes must be paid prior to August 1st, 2024 to be enrolled in the plan). Any applications received after  November 14th 2024 will be enrolled in the 2025-2026 TIPPS Program cycle. 

For more details, click here to view an informational brochure. Click here to view an informational brochure in French.

For an application form to enroll in the plan, click hereFor French, click hereApplications can be sent by email to

Tax Sale - Properties in Arrears

Properties in arrears of any amount for 2 years or more (referred to as delinquent taxes) will be subject to the Tax Sale process. The Tax Sale process will add additional costs and fees that will greatly increase the amount owing.

All properties listed in the tax sale process are redeemable until the public auction. There will be no redemption period once the tax sale, by public auction, has commenced. All property sales are final at the public auction.

To avoid being subject to the Tax Sale process and the additional fees and costs, ensure to have all property taxes two (2) years or more outstanding paid in full by the last business day in February.